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Contacts - Matteo Varisco - Web design, multimedia, desktop publishing and Macintosh programmin in Versilia


To contact me or request a quote you can write to the following address:

Matteo Varisco
Via Pardini, 138
54038 - Montignoso, Località Cinquale (MS)
P. IVA 01027000452

or you can write me a message at the e-mail:

or finally you can use the form below:


Informative note pursuant to art. 13 of the Regulation (UE) 2016/769
The data inserted in this page, will be treated by the Matteo Varisco, with manual and/or information instruments, in full compliance with the current regulations, relating to the protection of the personal data, only in order to reply to your requests. The nature of the information given is elective: in the case in which the necessary data are not provided, we could not carry out your request. The data will be accessible and will be treated only by representative subjects, responsible for the development of the activities and the purposes described before. The owner of the treatment is the Matteo Varisco: you will get exercise to your personal data in full compliance with the current regulations writing to the Privacy Manager: Matteo Varisco - Via Pardini, 138 - 54038 Montignoso, Località Cinquale (MS) Italy,

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Matteo Varisco
Via Pardini, 138
54038 - Montignoso (MS)
Cinquale - Italy
VAT 01027000452
Fiscal Code VRSMTT71R16F704B
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